Sardinian cuisine, rich in flavors and genuine products .....
Specialties at the table
Sardinian cuisine, rich in flavors and genuine products, embraces a variety of dishes ranging from the oldest inland rural tradition, so with meat, vegetables formaggied, to the sea, with specialties that see the fish and shellfish as main actors .
A fair and balanced wine and food pairing is the sublimation of the goodness of these dishes, thanks to a wine production that has brought the island to the position of excellence, with top quality wines.
A tourism able to keep pace with the evolution of society and its changes, has a very clear the importance of wine tourism, so here recommended and well described routes leading into this world, where good food responds to the pleasure of the palate , talking, through the scents and flavors language, history and culture of Sardinia.
In recent times it has also done well in the beer market, now proposed and combined with their own dishes as is customary with wine, thanks to a production that brands known companies increasingly engaged in the pursuit of quality, as well as young small companies who have been keenly focused on craftsmanship of the product
inside the Camping Village Isola dei Gabbiani
the chef Manuele Pisanu will help you regain your senses at the table making you to know his version of the typical dishes of the Sardinian tradition...
It ' a drink obtained from a typical plant, gentian, which grows in the meadows and mountain pastures .
It has digestive properties and medicinal ......
Brandy Sardinia fil ' and ' ferru
Drink a high alcohol content, colorless, non- flavored whose scents remind so more or less marked the wine scents and designations of origin macro…
Wash and dry with care with lemons , done that
Cut the rind of lemons and put together alcohol (only peel without the white that would make the bitter liqueur) in a large glass jar ...
It is also produced in many homes
Wash the lemon and orange peel, dry them and then place them in a glass jar with airtight, cover with a liter of alcohol and shut off the vessel, which will have to stay...
a good tangy flavor
Put the juniper berries inside the alcohol diluted with 150 ml of water. Leave it for a month, shaking the pan once a day. After the time required to dissolve the sugar in 150 ml of water...
The Mirto di Sardegna is a liqueur from the red color obtained from the infusion of hydro-alcoholic myrtle berries, of which it retains the characteristic aroma, with the addition exclusively sweeteners like sugar or honey. It's equipped with...
Likori de gureu
Alcohol, a lovely pale yellow color, pleasantly bitter flavor. Often the liquor, packed in transparent glass bottles, in infusion may contain a thistle piece ...
fine variety and great potential for the production of wines of particular finesse and elegance dessert.
Introduced in Campidano of Cagliari during the Spanish rule, its cultivation ...
Ancient and noble grape variety present in Sardinia since the time of the Phoenicians, who introduced it in the coastal area of Oristano, where, in the Sinai Peninsula, founded the ancient port of Tharros. In time.....
Refined and elegant dessert wine and meditation, often praised for his gentleand extraordinarily elegant, traditionally regarded as a symbol of hospitality and friendship, reserved for occasions ...
Grape variety of ancient origins, present in Sardinia since the time of the Romans, from which it was called vitis apiana as favorite grape of the bees for the sweetness of its acini. The same term moscato ...
This ancient and typical grape finds its environment located to the northwest of the province of Sassari .
It prefers calcareous clay soil, loose and well sunny where even today ...
Bovale Sardo The term " Bovale " identifies two vines , Bovale Sardinian and Bovale of Spain also said Bovale great , both arrived in Sardinia from the Iberian peninsula around 1300. Recent scientific findings supported …
White grape variety of uncertain origin, formerly very popular in Sardinia. a the 800 underwent a strong reduction in area as a result of the invasion phylloxera when, at the time ...