domenica 19 maggio 2024

Sardegna: history, traditions and culture of a wonderful island

extraordinary land

Sardegna: history, traditions and culture of a wonderful island
The transparency of its sea, the beauty of its coast and an inland area of ??extraordinary charm, are only the frame of an island that is a destination among the top internationally. Sardinia, an extraordinary land.
The culture of a people of ancient origins is told in the traditions lived here with great interest, events and appointments that are the recall of thousands of tourists from every country. Sardinia is a small continent, rich in diversity that live together and representing a unique heritage in the world.
Location elite and high society in its purest form, as the Costa Smeralda and Porto Cervo, contrast with places that have managed to preserve their original characteristics and traits of this land and this people, as the Nuoro and Ogliastra.

Paradise corners follow each other in a succession of glimpses of a inennarrabile beauty, dall'arcipelago Maddalena, the entire stretch of the Gallura coast, its hinterland; and then the Sassari, Valledoria from the spa Casteldoria close to that jewel of Castelsardo, to arrive in the beautiful Alghero and Stintino to the charm of the colors of the sea and the island of Asinara, experiencing the atmosphere of the time of ' silversmith; and again by colorful houses along the river Temo in Bosa, the wild west coast with the Gulf of Oristano and follow the wonders of Sinis Peninsula island of Sant'Antioco, then the story told from the mines of Buggerru and Ingurtosu, the poetry of the landscape of Cagliari, from the South Coast to Costa Rei, passing through the beautiful Cagliari. And yet traced the magic Ogliastra, through the true "heart of Sardinia", that Nuorese that, in addition to a fascinating coastal stretch, contains a land unique and inimitable: the Barbagia.

Living Sardinia is to discover the incomparable charm of a land that has combined development and growth, preserving the priceless heritage that has its own culture, its own history, its own traditions.
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