sabato 4 maggio 2024

Sardinian cuisine and wines and craft beer ...

The Sardinian cuisine, rich in flavor and genuine products, embraces a variety of dishes ranging from the most traditional rural hinterland, then with meat, cheese and vegetables, to the sea, with specialties that see the fish and shellfish as primattori.
A fair and balanced food and wine pairing is the sublimation of the goodness of these dishes, also thanks to a wine production that led to the island position of excellence, with top wines.
Tourism able to keep pace with the evolution of society and its changes, has very clear the importance of wine tourism, so here's suggested itineraries and well described that lead into this world, where good food responds to the pleasure of the palate , speaking through the language of scents and flavors, history and culture of Sardinia.
In recent times it has also done well in the beer market, now proposed and matched to dishes just as is customary with the wine, thanks to a production that sees brands known companies increasingly engaged in the pursuit of quality, as well as young small companies who have been keenly focused on craftsmanship of the product.

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